
Athletics at Ojo Encino Day School
Ojo Encino Day School students have opportunities to participate in various sports. Our student-athletes develop their leadership skills, sense of community, and physical fitness as they join our thriving athletics program. We have teams that compete on the varsity (6th - 8th), junior varsity (3rd - 5th), and pee-wee (kindergarten - 2nd) grade levels in basketball, baseball, softball, cross country, and volleyball. Athletes and managers must maintain passing grades in all classes to be eligible.
School staff, including the athletic director, teachers, and coaches, will conduct weekly grade checks. Students with failing grades are placed on the ineligibility list for the following week. During this week, the student will be allowed to practice but will not play in a game or scrimmage, dress out, travel, or sit on the bench with their team. Any student with an unexcused absence will be ineligible for participation that same day.
Students with more than nine unexcused absences will be ineligible for the rest of the semester. According to state athletic association rules, students are prohibited from participating in non-school sports for their given sport during the season. These infractions may result in a student being declared ineligible by the coach, athletic director, or principal. Any student caught using/possessing drugs, alcohol, paraphernalia, or tobacco will be suspended from athletics for the remainder of the season.
The forms for student participation in our athletics program are available from the registrar. Each student will need a physical exam and a concussion test certificate on file. Student-athletes and managers must follow all coachs' instructions and remain in assigned areas while participating in team activities. We encourage our student-athletes to join our athletic program and make Ojo Encino teams their best.